When picking up the kids from school I would hear the big bands practicing at the Music facility, so I expected it to be good. I'm sure Martin and I were not the only ones impressed with the performances last night, what a wealth of talent! We are so happy we can offer our kids this experience, the experience of a very positive and stimulating school environment.
Lately I've been reading Robin Pascoe's books for Expat parents, after she gave a very entertaining talk at school as part of her book tour. I've learned some new terms like "Global Nomads" and "Third Culture Kids", which gives us traveling families something to call ourselves and something to identify with. So naturally I've been thinking about our lives, our kids lives. As parents we want to give the kids the best experience and preparation for their future, we also want to give them what we missed ourselves in our own childhoods. It's hard to know what is best, giving them a broader cultural understanding by moving around means having to say a lot of farewells, it also means redefining what 'home' is.....
I guess there is no good or bad way, just different choices and different experiences. We'll try to prepape the kids as best as we can and hope they'll turn out to be responsible and considerate world citizens. (And the rest they'll work out in therapy.....)
Anyway, when I heard one of the students sing John Lennons' "Imagine" last night, I could hardly hold back my tears.
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace"
Now that we stand before big choices again, opportunities that are opening in front of us, cultures to explore, people to understand, borders to cross; now that I'm already saying farewells emotionally; this song gets to have a new meaning to me.
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