Monday, April 07, 2008

Finally, the Ranch got Raided

Ever since reading "Under the Banner of Heaven" by John Krakauer I've become intrigued by the mormon fundamentalist movements, and especially the FLDS. I've watched several documentaries about the followers of this church and recently I've read the gripping story of Carolyn Jessop in her book 'Escape'.

You have to wonder what makes people submit to the power of the likes of Jeff Warren, who found a way, using his faith, to marry young girls and abuse children. Carolyn Jessop gives us a glimps of the believes and fears of these followers in Colorado City. Her book tells us about the child abuse that is generally accepted and the struggle of women in polygamist households. Children born in these closed off communities know no better then what they are told, and naturally they will believe what they are taught. Girls are being married off younger and younger, and local police are FLDS member themselves, making escape even harder.
But it got even scarier, when Jeff Warren had several families moved to a heavily guarded ranch in Texas. Abuse could continue without the outside world ever knowing... Finally, the authorities have found the opportunity this weekend to raid the ranch and take all the children, and the women as well.

I hope these children and women will learn to see that they have options and choices to live their own lives, without having someone dictate them on how they should live and who they should marry.

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